Ph.D. student from Spain, now in Taiwan.
I double majored in biology and environmental sciences at the University of Navarre (Spain, undergraduate level), and in environmental agro-biology at the Navarre Public University and Basque Country Public University (Spain, graduate level, master).
I am interested in ecosystems, landscape, nature, and ecology in general, and its connection to society. I also like technology.
I like to connect with people, so I have learned multiple languages including Japanese, French, Portuguese and Chinese now, besides Spanish, Catalan and English.

A bit about myself:
Ignacio Ruiz de la Cuesta Vela, also known as Nacho in Spanish, is a normal person. His desire for a cleaner world led him to study sciences, focused on biology and environmental science. Raised between Barcelona and Pamplona in Spain, he decided to move abroad to reach new cultures and challenges and keep widening his mind. He enjoys learning and discovering new things, reflecting on life, and learning new languages.
Now he focuses on data science for the studies of forest ecosystems. His Ph.D. research focuses on the study of transpiration to understand forest and tree resilience and forest ecosystem water use. For this, he is also participating in developing self-crafted sap flow sensors, mainly focusing on software improvement and data analysis.
He was chosen as the class delegate both during his undergraduate and master's, and also officially represented his former university at a national level in a student association. Before starting his Ph.D. research in Taiwan, he has also been a visiting researcher in Ecuador for a short spell and experienced different courses all around the world regarding environmental issues and landscape studies.
He had a short internship in an environmental quality laboratory (mainly working with sensors), but he has also experienced what a medical research lab and a geography lab are. Staying curious and keep learning is something vital for him. He tries to be an open-minded person, hard-working and straightforward.
Feel free to get in touch with me. I think our mission in life is to make others happy and share what we have, so I will be glad if I can ever be helpful to you.