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2019 SSE, TERN and TaiwanFlux Joint Meeting

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(stand: October 09, 2019)

1. Note for oral presentations on October 24

  • Presentation 15 min + discussion 5 min

  • Please upload the presentation file (.ppt, .pptx, .pdf or .odt) before your session

  • Naming rule: (3-digit oral presentation code).ppt (or .pptx, .pdf, .odt) e.g. L01.pptx (Lecture number 01 by Dr. Chaolun Allen Chen). The oral presentation code could be found before your presentation title

  • Basically, you are NOT allowed to use your own laptop to ensure smooth running of the meeting

2. Note for poster presentations

  • Format of the poster: A0 portrait

  • Posters will be displayed outside of the lecture hall from the beginning of the meeting. The discussion of posters could be done throughout the 3-day meeting period

  • The poster session on 19:00-20:00, October 24th is for the 5-min talks of the poster presenters. Please prepare a 5-min presentation file (.ppt, .pptx, .pdf, or .odt) and upload it before the session

  • Naming rule: similar to the oral presentation (see above) but using the (3-digit poster presentation code).ppt

3. Note for TERN site activity reports on October 23rd

  • Time for each site report: 5-10 min

  • Naming rule of the presentation file: similar to the oral presentation (see above) but using the (2-digit site report code).ppt

Oct. 23 (Wed.)
14:10 - 14:30
Opening; Group photo
Chau-Chin Lin, Chi-Ling Chen, Shih-Chieh Chang
14:30 - 15:10
(K1) Keynote 1: How can you join the ILTER? - Challenge and opportunity for collaboration between LTER and flux research
Hideaki Shibata (ILTER Chair, Hokkaido University, Japan)
15:10 - 15:50
(K2) Keynote 2: Effects of El Niño-Southern Oscillation and typhoon events on intertidal seagrass beds over decadal timescales
Hsing-Juh Lin (National Chung Hsing University)
15:50 - 16:30
Coffee break
16:30 - 17:50
TERN Business Meeting
Chi-Ling Chen (TERN Chair)
16:30 - 17:30
Site activity report
(S1) Coral reef LTER site
Chaolun Allen Chen (Academia Sinica)
(S2) Offshore monitoring
Kuo-Wei Yen (Fisheries Research Institute)
(S3) 2019 iLTER OSM
Yi-Chang Liao (National Chung Hsing University)
(S4) Agricultural LTER site
Chi-Ling Chen (Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute)
(S5) Forest dynamics plot
I-Fang Sun (National Dong Hwa University)
(S6) Fushan LTER site
Teng-Chiu Lin (National Taiwan Normal University)
(S7) Chi-Lan Mountain LTER site
Shih-Chieh Chang (National Dong Hwa University)
(S8) Mt. Nan-Jen LTER site
Kuo-Jung Chao (National Chung Hsing University)
(S9) Kenting LTER site
Yi-Ching Lin (Tunghai University)
17:30 - 17:50
Perspectives on TERN 2020-2021
Chiao-Ping Wang (TERN coordinator 2020-2021; Taiwan Forestry Research Institute)
18:00 - 20:00
20:00 - 21:00
Young scientists meeting
Siang-Heng Wang
Oct. 24 (Thu.)
Oral Session I
Chair: Yu-Yun Chen
08:40 - 09:00
(L01) Coral reef resilience in Taiwan: lessons from long-term ecological research on the coral reefs of Kenting National Park
Chaolun Allen Chen (Academia Sinica)
09:00 - 09:20
(L02) Terrestrial loads of dissolved organic matter drive inter-annual carbon flux in subalpine lakes undering changing rainfall
Jeng-Wei Tsai (China Medical University)
09:20 - 09:40
(L03) Long-term observation of precipitation, stream water chemistry and nutrient budgets in a subtropical forest, Fushan
Chung‐Te Chang (Tunghai University)
09:40 - 10:00
(L04) Roles of typhoon disturbances on seasonal and interannual patterns of litterfall for coniferous and broadleaf plantations in Xitou, Central Taiwan
Chih-Hsin Cheng (National Taiwan University)
10:00 - 10:40
Coffee break
Oral Session II
Chair: Min-Hui Lo
10:40 - 11:00
(L05) Monsoon effects on vascular epiphyte communities across the complex Chilan terrain in northeastern Taiwan
Chia-Chun, Hsu (Taiwan Forestry Research Institute)
11:00 - 11:20
(L06) Mountain climate velocity and species adaptation
I-Ching Chen (Natioinal Cheng Kung University)
11:20 - 11:40
(L07) Community structure and biodiversity of soil nematodes in the rice paddy
Hsuan-Wien Chen (Natioinal Chiayi University)
11:40 - 12:00
(L08) Social signatures in echolocation calls of a leaf-roosting bat, Kerivoula furva
Takefumi Nakazawa (Natioinal Cheng Kung University)
12:00 - 13:40
Lunch break
Oral Session III
Chair: I-Ling Lai
13:40 - 14:00
(L09) The uniqueness of the hydroclimatological cycle in Taiwan's mountain forest regions
Min-Hui Lo (National Taiwan University)
14:00 - 14:20
(L10) An 800-year tree-ring-based temperature reconstruction over northeastern Taiwan from Chamaecyparis obtusa var. formosana: Unprecedented early spring warming in the montane cloud forest
Nguyen Xuan Hau (National Cheng Kung University)
14:20 - 14:40
(L11) Quantifying upslope fog water interception in a mountain cloud forest
Jehn-Yih Juang (National Taiwan University)
14:40 - 15:00
(L12) Development of research and educational infrastructures using a tropical montane cloud forest ecological monitoring network in Chilan Mountain of northeastern Taiwan
Cho-Ying Huang (National Taiwan University)
15:00 - 15:20
(L13) Estimation of the methane emmission from paddy in Taiwan
Chi-Ling Chen (Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute)
15:20 - 16:00
Coffee break
Oral Session IV
Chair: Hsuan-Wien Chen
16:00 - 16:20
(L14) Measurement of methane flux over a larch forests in eastern Siberia
Taro Nakai (National Taiwan University)
16:20 - 16:40
(L15) Challenges in observing net ecosystem exchange of Pingtung flux site
Yen-Jen Lai (National Taiwan University)
16:40 - 17:00
(L16) Preliminary study on stem respiration in Pingtung plantation site
I-Ling Lai (National Pingtung University of Science and Technology)
17:00 - 17:20
(L17) Emissions of reactive nitrogen species due to fertilization and its impacts to air quality- Flux observation system
Yi-Ying Chen (Academia Sinica)
17:20 - 19:00
Dinner break
19:00 - 20:00
Poster Session: 5-min talks
20:00 - 21:00
Perspectives of TaiwanFlux
Oct. 25 (Fri.)
08:00 - 12:00
Field excursion
08:00 - 09:00
DNDF Flux Site
Shih-Chieh Chang
09:00 - 12:00
LiPaHak Eco-farmland
Meng-Hung Lai
(P01) Difference between the transpiration rates of Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) and Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) forests in a subtropical climate in Taiwan
Sophie Laplace (National Taiwan University)
(P02) Characteristics of gap dynamics in Nanjenshan
許天耀 (National Chung Hsing University)
(P03) Effect of the land surface hydrologic processes on land-air interactions in Taiwan using WRF-Noah and WRF-NoahMP
陳姿穎 (National Central University)
(P04) Exploration of the micrometeorology along the elevation in Taiwan Montane areas
Yi-Shin Jang (National Taiwan University)
(P05) The diurnal latent heat flux-atmosphere relations in Chi-Lan montane cloud forest in Taiwan
古鎔與 (National Taiwan University)
(P06) Developing gap filling techniques for latent heat and carbon fluxes measured by the eddy Covariance method
陳觀印 (National Central University)
(P07) Spatial distribution, sex ratios, and inter-year variation in sex expression, of ‎Bisxhofia javanica in a subtropical evergreen forest, Taiwan
Liwan Chang (Taiwan Forestry Research Institute)
(P08) 資訊與通信技術應用於農業監測
胡正宏 (Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute)
(P09) Impact of long-term agricultural disturbance on the weed diversity in central Taiwan
蔡正國 (Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute)
(P10) Exploring influences of different management strategies on surface energy patterns in tea fields
Siang-Heng Wang (National Taiwan University)
(P11) Using stable isotopes of N2O for assessing urea consumption and conversion in soil
薛郁欣 (Academia Sinica/National Central University)
(P12) Tovi, new software for flux data analysis: from gap filling to flux & footprint partitioning
Richard Garcia (LICOR Biosciences Inc., USA)
(P13) Fog interception may enhance photosynthesis
Shih-Chieh Chang (National Dong Hwa University)

Field excursion

October 25, 2019, 08:00-12:00

The half-day field excursion will be a visit to the nearby Da-Nong-Da-Fu (DNDF) flux tower site. The site is located in the northern part of the 1250-ha DNDF plantation, which was established in 2002 after a long-term sugarcane farming since the Japanese time.

The flux tower site starts its continuous CO2/H2O flux measurement in 2017 using eddy covariance method. Besides the purpose of understanding the C sequestration and the hydrological cycle of the plantation, the patchy characteristics of the plantation is a good place for exploring the EC footprint model.

The DNDF plantation and its surrounding landscape are active research sites by several institutes including National Dong Hwa University and Taiwan Forestry Research Institute. A famous eco-farmland "LiPaHak" in the southern part of the plantation marks the diverse and environment-friendly land use change of this region, which, is a domain of resilience research of social-ecological systems.

DNDF flux tower.jpg

© 2019 by Local Organizing Committee of SSE, TERN and TaiwanFlux Joint Meeting

© 2023 by Shih-Chieh Chang

張世杰 陸域生態系實驗室

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